
Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir
Common Skills
  • Master Skill (Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir)
  • Healer
  • DEF Support
  • Seal

Blossom in the Spotlight! Bloom Diva is a tricky ace to work with, as it's whole gimmick is incredibly defensive. Couple that with the fact that its Summon Requirement is incredibly hard to build for reliably without Super Rares, considering how many Fairy-Type monsters are locked behind higher rarities. Despite all of this, Bloom Diva is good at playing passively and becoming the unattractive target, which can prove invaluable when it comes to taking those high placements.

Synergistic Cards

Master Skill (Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir) , gives your entire team DEF Boosts whenever you gain Life Points equal to the amount gained and increases Healer s LP Gain to 300. It also changes Loading... 's summoning Requirement to 2 Fairy-Type Monsters. As such, it can't be stressed enough how important Fairy-Types are (even the bad ones) to a consistent Bloom Diva setup. Fairies aside, Bloom Diva doesn't necessarily synergize with any particular Skill, but bodies with naturally higher DEF and some amount of utility will go a long way. Bloom Diva's Master Skill works with any source of LP gain, so otherwise useless cards like Loading... and/or Loading... turn into middling to large buffs for your whole team. One last thing to take note of with Bloom Diva is its incredible weakness to Loading... specifically, considering how it can't protect itself via Skills and could crumple under the pressure of a Blue-Eyes Push by nature of it being a defensive strategy. As such, Shield Handler is invaluable for most of these passive strategies just as a safeguard to these blowout scenarios.

Winged Kuriboh
Gogogo Golem
Blue Medicine
Life Absorbing Machine
Shield Handler

F2P Sample Deck

20 cards
Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir
Canon the Melodious Diva
Gogogo Golem
Milla the Temporal Magician
Performapal Silver Claw
RAM Clouder
Vorse Raider
X-Head Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
Z-Metal Tank
Giant Soldier of Stone
Sonata the Melodious Diva
Trickstar Lycoris
Trickstar Lilybell
Mokey Mokey
Winged Kuriboh
Shield & Sword
Life Absorbing Machine
Shield Handler
Compulsory Escape Device
Strategy Notes
  • I'm not going to sugarcoat it, Bloom Diva is hard to play without Super Rares considering you'll find it difficult to summon your ace without opening a ton of Fairy-Type Monsters. As such, this Free-to-Play strategy is geared towards doing your best Beatdown impression, then sliding into your Bloom Diva whenever you're able to summon it.

  • If Possible, use your Superspeed monsters and/or Loading... to secure the middle card; If you have the middle card it can't be used against you.

  • Early on you want to be sending your non-Fairy beatsticks down your sidelanes. Not only does it trade your resources for theirs but it bides time to gather material for your Loading... summon.

  • When you can, summon your Bloom Diva in Defense Mode alongside another high DEF monster in Defense mode (Ideally with another Healer in the third lane). If possible you also want to set your Loading... and/or Loading... on the turn you summon Bloom Diva.

  • Once Bloom Diva is out, you want to be keeping a lane open either to continually put out Healer monsters to help out your other two lanes or Beatsticks to keep pressure off. If you see opportunities to get damage in, manage those lanes appropriately, but your primary goal is survival.

  • The game will most likely end before Turn 7 (hopefully your LP Gain is enough to get you at least 2nd Place if it does), but if it doesn't, you can try and turn your monster's into Attack Mode and try to get some amount of Damage in (this obviously depends on the boardstate and current placements). Loading... could be used as a last-minute battle trick to turn your strong defense into a good offense.

Future Upgrades

With the advent of Super Rares, Bloom Diva gains access to five more Fairy-Type Monsters (the fifth being Loading... which you can use to summon a Loading... in Defense mode early on as Summon material while also being a strong utility card in its own right). These will prove invaluable in simply allowing you to summon your Bloom Diva more reliably in the first place, while also giving you more instances of Healer . Loading... will allow you to recycle your best monsters, and Loading... can gain you up to 900 LP in a single monster summon. You can also upgrade your Spell lineup with Loading... which offers a large amount of utility for the slot.

When it comes to additional Skill Slots. Bloom Diva really doesn't have too many options. Additional slots of Healer are far and away the best choice, as they will immediately boost your entire team's Defense Points by 600 in addition to the LP Gain, which already surpasses DEF Support (which it has for some reason). While Bloom would've greatly appreciated Immunity: Destruction Effects , its Immunity Skill is fairly useless considering how rare Seal is as a Skill. The other skills aren't really worth talking about, because if you have something like Curse on your Ace Monster you have bigger problems.

20 cards
Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir
Trickstar Candina
Trickstar Narkissus
Aria the Melodious Diva
Soprano the Melodious Songstress
White Magician Pikeru
Canon the Melodious Diva
Y-Dragon Head
Z-Metal Tank
Sonata the Melodious Diva
Trickstar Lycoris
Trickstar Lilybell
Mokey Mokey
Winged Kuriboh
Enemy Controller
Blue Medicine
The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh
Shield & Sword
Life Absorbing Machine
Shield Handler

What do you think of Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir? Any tips we missed? Let us know in the comments below!