
Z-Metal Tank
Common Skills
  • Cohesion
  • Immunity: Destruction Effects

Unexpectedly, Loading... has proven to be one of the strongest Ace Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh! Cross Duel. The sheer stats gained from multiple instances of the Cohesion Skill coupled with Immunity: Destruction Effects is just the perfect combination of Skills to facilitate a cheap and effective strategy. While it can take anywhere from 15-60 Duplicate Rare cards to build the Z-Metal Tank itself (as you will need 3 Skill Slots for an ideally playable deck), it is one of the most reliable and accessible aggro strategies in the whole game.

Synergistic Cards

Z-Metal Tank is a deviously simple deck: as long as you're summoning monsters, you're doing something right. Since Cohesion requires monster summons to buff up Loading... , all you really need it so make sure you're getting a ton of value from the monsters that you're summoning, whether that be from stats oe urility Skills. One particular Skill that should be highlighted is ATK Support , which scales amazingly with a high monster count (which is why we want to be using as much of this Skill as possible). One of the only Spell/Traps you should be running in Z-Metal tank is Loading... which, when used on your own Z-Metal tank, allows you to give your monster a second life, as Cohesion also boosts up your DEF.

Vorse Raider
X-Head Cannon
Milla the Temporal Magician
Performapal Silver Claw
Shield & Sword

F2P Sample Deck

20 cards
Z-Metal Tank
Canon the Melodious Diva
Double Iris Magician
Elemental HERO Sparkman
Gogogo Golem
Mad Archfiend
Milla the Temporal Magician
Performapal Silver Claw
RAM Clouder
Vorse Raider
X-Head Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
Dark Resonator
Elemental HERO Burstinatrix
Giant Soldier of Stone
Needle Sunfish
Sonata the Melodious Diva
Trickstar Lycoris
Zubaba Knight
Shield & Sword
Strategy Notes
  • Start out by summoning Loading... in Attack Position in one of your two Side Lanes. You then want to summon a High Attack monster in the opposite Side Lane, and a third monster (preferably one you don't care about losing) in the center lane (you mainly want to ignore this lane outside of necessary defense/utility).

  • If you have exactly Loading... or Loading... and a monster with ATK Support in your opening hand. You want to put the former monster in your other Side Lane and the ATK Supporter in the Center Lane. This is because these two monsters are able to contest opposing Loading... from your opponents (Vorse goes up to 2300 ATK and X-Head Cannon goes up to 2000 but reduces the Tank by 300 ATK, therefore being able to trade with opposing Z-Metal Tanks that usually cap out at 2300 ATK without their own ATK Support).

  • Keep summoning monsters, heeding priority to whichever lane has Loading... in it, then your other side lane. The middle lane should only be used if you need an additional Cohesion stack or need to defend from an attacker.

  • If. for whatever reason, your Loading... is destroyed on your first turn (usually through some combination of Skilla and/or Spells), feel free to shift your priority to sending your beatsticks to your other Side Lane.

  • It is important to note that Loading... alone is not going to be enough to win the game. What Tank does well is clear the defending monsters, allowing the other monsters played behind your Tank to get in for damage.

  • Its super important to time out your ATK Support usage to what you're going to need for that turn. If playing an ATK Support monster in the middle lane will boost your Tank or Side Lane attacker to over 2000 ATK (to get over 2000 DEF walls) do it. You want to get as much value as possible out of your ATK Support uses.

  • Generally, try to save your Loading... for your own Loading... . This is because your Cohesion also boosts up your DEF, so by swap your DEF and ATK whenever your Tank is too low to win combat.

Future Upgrades

The best part about Z-Metal Tank is you can upgrade it as you go, and each upgrade will slightly improve your deck as you're mainly improving the individual quality of your monsters. To start, you're generally looking to replace the following monsters in your deck:

Mad Arcfiiend
Giant Soldier of Stone
Canon the Melodious Diva
Double Iris Magician
Y-Dragon Head
Nimble Sunfish
Trickstar Lycoris
Elemental HERO Sparkman
Zubaba Knight

From there, we're going to take a look at the types of monsters you can use to replace these monsters.

Utility Skills
Aria the Melodious Diva
Performapal Turn Toad
Trickstar Candina

These monsters provide Spell-like effects that impact the battlefield while also giving your Loading... Cohesion boosts. Loading... is functionally a second copy of Loading... on a body. Loading... 's slowdown can be used on your own Z-Metal Tank on the second turn, allowing you to build it up more before it starts hitting a Defender (it can also help you contest middle card, but that is not recommended). Trickstar Candina is functionally just an 1800 beater, but can deal a ton of Effect Damage against spell-centric strategies.

ATK Support