Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Gold 1 from on February 14th, 2023

Notes & Combos

This is more of a life-gain & control deck. Only go for the blue-eyes destruction strat if you see an opportunity - otherwise, use your cards to increase and preserve your life total. While the superspeed monsters are more preferable, even if you send in something as week as Lilybell or Nepenthes, it's always good for you to go for the bonus card. If the monster you send in manages to leave with 800 or more attack points, then it's worth it to use Blue-Eyes to try to destroy whatever monster they defend with for a direct attack. If you draw Life-Absorbing machine turn 1, you gotta put it in the middle. If you don't have Poisonous winds or Flute, that's fine - I was even considering dropping those cards anyways.

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