Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Platinum 1 from on February 24th, 2023

Notes & Combos

This list is meant to function as a hybrid between a Blue-eyes control deck and an aggro variant. While many of the monsters are defensively oriented and the main wincon is life gain through healer effects and Life-absorbing Machine, there are also more offensive cards like Cyber Prima, GEPD, and Trickstar Lycoris. We are also running both Shield and Sword and Turn Toad so that we can turn defensive monsters into offensive threats.

With this deck, we want to assume whatever role at the table we can be the best at. At an aggro table with decks such as Z-Metal Tank and Magician of Black Chaos, we'll want to assume a standard control gameplan of destroying and negating incoming threats with BEWD and GEPD, blocking with high defense monsters and spells, and winning by gaining LP. However, this will likely not work at a table full of guardian and burn decks, as they'll be reducing our LP by more than we can heal and probably gaining some themselves. So in those situations we'll use the first few turns to identify which player will be the easiest target, then start pushing threats down their lane and clear defenders with BEWD. GEPD will be invaluable in negating guardians in these games. Cyber Prima can also be useful if you swap it with a weak threat that an opponent thought they could block for a surprise attack.

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